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Letter from the President

In 1872...

Hello and welcome to our website! My name is Leah Struhsaker and I am the 2017 Chapter President of the Eta Gamma Chapter of Alpha Phi. As a member of the University of Akron’s Greek community since 1986, our chapter is happy to have achieved excellent academics, philanthropy and community service over the years. We look forward to 2017 being another very successful year and are excited to grow and improve even further!


Our chapter is committed to being an example of women who display Alpha Phi’s six values: sisterhood, scholarship, service, leadership, loyalty and character development. One of the ways that we do this is through our commitment to our philanthropy, the Alpha Phi Foundation. We hold two annual philanthropy events, Red Dress Gala in the spring and King of Hearts in the fall. In Spring 2017, we raised nearly $13,000 dollars between these two events all of which went directly to the Foundation’s efforts to support women’s heart health.

In addition to this, our members are active within the community. Each semester, our chapter performs hundreds of community service hours. We hold monthly service events which provide sisters the opportunity to serve local food banks, animal shelters, homeless shelters and more. We also hold an event each spring called Frances E. Willard Day of Service in honor of one of our founders. This event benefits a nearby cause and recent projects have included making care packages for children at a nearby school and making blankets for the local children’s hospital. 


My time here at the University of Akron has truly been made worthwhile by my involvement in this incredible organization. I came looking for friendships and have found so much more. The women in Alpha Phi inspire me everyday to be the best version of myself. I hope you enjoy learning more about us as you browse our website. You can find my email below, do not hesitate to contact me with any questions.

-Leah Struhsaker

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